White Castle Palace

The White Palace is located with the Royal Court within the court complex on the highest hill of Dedinje, on a property of 135 hectares.
The Royal Palace on Dedinje was built in the period 1924-1929. by personal means and by order of HE. King Alexander I (grandfather of H.R.H Crown Prince Alexander II). Royal Palace was the home of King Alexander I and King Peter II. Today it is home to H.R.H Crown Prince Alexander II and his family. It is a large and representative villa of white stone in the Serbian-Byzantine style.   
In its composition is the Palace chapel dedicated to St. The apostle Andrei Prvozvan, who is the patron Saint and “Krsna Slava” of the Royal House, and built on the model of the church of the monastery of Sv. Andreja in Tresca, the founding of King Vukasin. Pergolas, park balconies, pools, pavilions and concert terrace are built around the Palace. From the Palace which is on the ridge of the hill, there is a magnificent view of Dedinje, Kosutnjača forest, Topcider and Avala.                                                                                                                                                                    


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